Aphrodite Emerging
Aphrodite Emerging
Aphrodite Emerging
Aphrodite Emerging

Aphrodite Emerging

00 38 0603

Excellent decoration in modern color combinations. Made of alabaster and hand-painted with vivid colors, for durability and durability respectively. Choose it as an ideal luxury gift or add it to your collection. Get inspired, create and decorate the space you want by choosing the unique ArtCulture products.

  • Fuchsia
Material: Alabaster
Weight: 0.65 Kg

According to ancient Greek mythology and religion, Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, pleasure and procreation. The corresponding deity of the Ancient Romans was Venus (Latin: Venus), while it has many elements in common with the Egyptian goddess Athor. The planet Venus owes its name to it.


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